¡Únase a nosotros para nuestro servicio en español cada domingo a la 1 PM! Nos emociona ofrecer un tiempo de adoración, comunidad y enseñanza en español. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!​
Join us for our Spanish Service every Sunday at 1 PM! We're excited to offer a time of worship, community, and teaching in Spanish. All are welcome!


Your child is special to us here at Legacy Church.
We strive to provide a fun, safe, and secure environment for all of our children. You can rest assured that our qualified children’s workers will be attentive to your child.
Our Legacy Kids leaders understand that they are playing a huge role in raising up our future generation and they take pride in that.
At Legacy Church we believe in serving our community in order to make a difference. Check out our church calendar for local ministry opportunities!